Blue bouquet


SKU: RM0079

A bouquet of blue roses is the best choice if you want to impress your receiver. A bouquet that both men and women will like. Choose between the two sizes (with 20 or 40 roses) and make happy the ones you love. The perfect gift for any occasion, a birthday, an apology or a romantic anniversary.

It can be paired with a teddy bear, a chocolate and a card with your own message.

The product is delivered, wrapped in beautiful non woven papers and ribbons for a more beautiful effect.

We inform you that we import our flowers from the Netherlands on our own. In that way we are sure that we offer you flowers of high quality that will decorate your place for long time.

We provide Same Day delivery of the product, with every order within the region of Attica.Send flowers to Dafni and everywhere in Athens.


This product can be delivered ONLY WITHIN ATTICA with shipping cost 5€. Click here to make sure, that the shipping address is WITHIN the map limits and in the payment basket, select SHIPPING: "In Attica: 5,00 €".
In any case you can call 210 5024819 to let you know precisely.

Select size of bouquet - blue


